Monday, May 11, 2009

Permission Marketing

Permission Marketing

In a world of information overload, automated telemarketing, and spam, most people welcome the idea of permission marketing.

What is permission marketing?

  • “A marketing technique that requires the approval of the customer”
  • “An approach to selling goods and services in which a prospect explicitly agrees in advance to receive marketing information”

Why a permission marketing approach is required for a B2C site.

  • To create an audience with high interest level by sending certain types of marketing information only to those who have specifically requested it.
  • Legality

Spamming is considered as an illegal activity and some states have developed laws and measures to be able to stop spammers. Permission-based email marketing is perfectly legal and this erases the risks and possible costs that are associated with being sued.

  • Ethical

Permission email marketing is seen as an ethical alternative to spamming. Even if one is not sued for spamming, it doesn’t imply that people are not irritated by the unsolicited emails. Sending marketing materials that are permitted by the receiver are given a “go-signal” and is considered totally ethical.

  • Promote a good image

Companies which employ spamming activities to be able to market their products are instantly hated by the people who receive their emails. Permission-based email marketing gives a company and its product a good corporate image and therefore more appreciated by the targeted audience.

  • Target audience
    Permission email marketing channels precious resources to the right audience. Spamming throws marketing efforts as if the promoter is blind. People who give their consent to receive emails regarding topics which are appealing to them are people who are willing to spend money for products in that field. Therefore, the right target market is reached rather than carelessly spreading the marketing message
  • Avoids costs: More cost-efficient because the prospect is already identified and targeted.
    Permission based email marketing avoids added costs. Aside from channeling resources to reach the right audience, permission marketing avoids costs that are associated by being sued by people who have been much irritated by spam emails. Other sanctions that are involved with spamming include the loss of the company’s ISP.
  • Appreciation
    Email marketing that is permitted is accepted by people with open arms. Spamming is not really accepted by the public and it is best that one does not engage in this activity.


Opt-in email where internet users sign up in advance for information about certain product categories

Permission Marketing Cycle:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tugas Chapter 8



AceHardware bergerak dalam bidang usaha retailing home improvement dan lifestyle product. Produk yamg dijual meliputi: hardware, perlengkapan rumah tangga, furniture, automotive, alat-alat untuk berkebun, alat-alat olahraga, sampai perlengkapan untuk hewan.

Berikut adalah analisis penggunaan internet sebagai media untuk melakukan pembelian produk di AceHardware Indonesia:


Acehardware Indonesia memulai usahanya dengan membuka store di berbagai tempat, namun belum memiliki website. Transaksi dan pengambilan barang juga masih dilakukan di store mereka, namun untuk beberapa barang tertentu yang ukurannya cukup besar disediakan layanan antar.


Saat ini AceHardware Indonesia masih melakukan transaksi serupa, namun sudah memiliki website yang difungsikan untuk, antara lain: menampilkan lowongan pekerjaan, menggambarkan visi dan misi, menampilkan promosi-promosi, dan yang terpenting adalah menampilkan beberapa item produk yang tersedia di store mereka secara 2D. Namun produk-produk yang di tampilkan dalam website tersebut belum mencantumkan harga serta stock produk yang tersedia.


Saran yang perlu dikembangkan oleh Acehardware dalam webnya adalah menampilkan katalok item produk yang lebih atraktif, sehingga pengakses web dapat lebih memanfaatkan fitur-fitur yang tersedia di web. Contohnya mungkin dapat dikembangkan katalog untuk produk dalam bentuk 3D sehingga pengguna web dapat melihat produk dari berbagai sisi dan sudut. Harga dan stock barang juga sebaiknya dicantumkan di website untuk memudahkan customer dalam memperoleh informasi yang dibutuhkan.

Selain itu, juga perlu dikembangkan suatu sistem pembelanjaan online, sehingga pengguna web dapat melakukan transaksi untuk barang-barang yang memang perlu pengantaran tanpa harus berkunjung ke store. Hal ini tentu harus didukung oleh katalog 3D tersebut, sehingga pengguna web dapat dengan yakin melakukan pembelian tanpa harus dikecewakan dengan barang yang tidak sesuai dengan yang dibayangkan saat melihat produk dalam bentuk 2D.

Lebih lanjut, pemberian layanan pembayaran online juga dibutuhkan, hal ini dapat disiasati dengan penerimaan pembayaran kartu kredit saat delivery dengan pihak Acehardware membawa mesin pembaca kartu kredit wireless yang sudah digunakan oleh